Rise of the Tomb Raider is the sequel to the 2013 reboot of the iconic series. Lara Croft is thrust into dangerous territory by a ruthless group who seeks to find the Divine Source, an artifact believed to grant eternal life. Rise of the Tomb Raider …
The Witness uses a number of different methods to tell its story. The player encounters panel puzzles, environmental puzzles and cassette tapes that present ideas to contemplate. The panel puzzles, for example, attempt to teach the player lessons such as separating differently coloured squares. The game …
Following the critical and commercial success of Uncharted, Naughty Dog developed the sequel. Set two years after Drake’s Fortune, Among Thieves reunites treasure hunter Nathan Drake with former associate Harry Flynn and old flame Chloe Frazer in search of a Mongolian oil lamp that may lead …
More than 130 million people have downloaded Apex Legends since its release in 2019. It’s a fast-paced squad-based combat game that draws gamers of all ages. Like many online games, it features a season system. This means that it will regularly introduce new Legends, weapons, and …
Hollow Knight offers an unashamedly challenging experience, putting your skills to the test in an intricate and fun world. It is also designed to be rewarding, with a variety of enemies to fight and optional content that pulls back the plot curtains further. Forge your own …
Ms. Pac-Man was a major landmark for the video game industry. She was the first female character to make an appearance in a video game, and she promoted gaming as something that wasn’t just for boys. But it looks like she’s getting the shaft thanks to …
Counter-Strike 1.6, the game that launched an entire franchise, is free to play on PC. This version has received a graphical overhaul that brings it into line with its modern contemporaries without removing the gameplay features that made CS so popular. The game pits teams of …
The co-operative action horror FPS Left 4 Dead 2 continues the story of a zombie pandemic. Players will battle hordes of infected from Savannah to New Orleans across five campaigns. The game features a new cast of four human survivors, including Coach, a stocky high school …